Thursday, 26 June 2008
En Garde!
The Clan's team name (Liberi Atrum) has started to appear on the global scoreboards, and Milady is very keen on the team being available for the next En Garde rally. So if this event happens to be held in your neighbourhood, don't worry TOO much at the sight of a few vampires emerging from the mists.
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
The Kindness of (some) Vampires
I've furnished the quarters, and also placed some of my 'clutter' about, so it has a very 'homey' feel to it. My copy of the Caledon Strand magazine sits on the footlocker at the end of my bed, neatly covering one of my Victorian 'Art' books of scantily clad maids. This is jokingly referred to as 'Janus's Porn Stash', but they've not seen what's locked away in the safe. **Clears throat**
The Motherhouse is a very fine looking building, the design of which is based upon Robert Louis Stevenson's house in Scotland. It also has a lighthouse lantern in the tower, which is quite handy as the Motherhouse is situated upon the coast of one of the newer pieces of mainland. There is a lot of beach around it, and I can sometimes wander there with my shoes and socks off letting the sand get in between my toes. Even the young vampires don't tend to use the beach and they CAN stand the daylight, but I'm not complaining, I like the solitude. I'll occasionally see the two young gypsy Lycans sitting alongside their campfire next to their beautiful caravan. The very pretty Seana will tell your fortune with her tarot should you cross her palm with silver. It's nice having someone else awake there during the day.
The Clan has opened its doors to also welcome other 'Creatures of Darkness', and not just the Vampire 'Children of Darkness'. As I mentioned, Seana and her love are Lycan, which, in case you're not familiar with the term, are Werewolves. There are also Zombies joining the clan, which can make for a very scarey time if you bump into some in the crypt.

A new addition next to the Main Hall is the Gallery Pavillion. This contains a collection of portraits prepared by the Seneschal, and makes for fascinating viewing. But in the middle of the Pavillion is a beautiful statue of Milady in her trademark cloak and hood. I was quite taken aback when I was granted a preview showing by the Seneschal, and I predicted Milady's reaction perfectly. When she was shown the statue, with the very moving words on a plaque at the foot of it, she cried. Having recently fed, her tears were blood red, and left red streams down her cheeks. It is rare to see her let her guard down like this, in fact, I can only remember seeing her cry on 4 other occasions in all the years that I have been in her service. But it really did touch her, and is a most tremendous testimony of the love that her childer have for their Mother.
So, there is the news of how Milady and I have both been touched recently. And both times it was due to the thoughtfulness and consideration of Milady's childer. It's nice to know that even the deadliest of monsters can have a soft side. Could make you sleep easier.... but I'd still not go outside on your own during the night if I were you.

Monday, 23 June 2008
A Very Pleasing Trolley
The Countess loves to entertain, both vampire and human. Vampires are fairly easy to cater for.. get a stock of good quality blood and they're happy. Get a stock of low quality blood, and they're still happy.... maybe just not as much.
I was dispatched a few days ago to stock Milady's cellar, both for her private residence and also for the Clan Motherhouse. I found a very nice bottled blood, with smashing goblets. (I should clarify here, the goblets are not FOR smashing, it's merely an old English expression meaning 'really jolly good') I also found a very nice Absinthe, some whiskey, sherry, port, and a whole load of beverages for the human guests.
Vampires LOVE to lounge. Show a vampire a comfy chair, and they'll sit there happily until the sun rises (give them blood too, and they'll take root). So, the problem is: we have a load of chairs, but very few table/shelf spaces for setting out refreshments. The few tables there are, usually have candles and the like on them, making it difficult to set a tray of drinks out.
I needed a trolley. I had something in mind.... decorative, the kind that would attract admiring glances, and able to be wheeled out at a moment's notice, and then be adorned with drinks of various types. I steeled myself for a very long search.
The first store I went to had a wonderful selection of furniture. I amused myself for some time just wandering around, half looking at the chairs, but really hoping to catch a glimpse of a trolley. I toured a couple of floors, was standing upon the balcony looking down onto the floor below, and there it was.... the very pleasing trolley. I ran down the stairs and made my way to it, and as I approached it glistened under the shop lights... enticing me, filling my head with images of it adorned with drinks of various colours, in bottles both plain and functional, and exotic and delightful. I had found it, and my heart leapt.
I now owned a very pleasing trolley, and basked in the admiration and delight of the onlookers when I first wheeled it out. The glow I experienced still has not left me.
For your delight, I now present, a very pleasing trolley.

If you're left cold by this picture, show it to your servants and watch their reaction. It's a 'Downstairs' thing.
Saturday, 21 June 2008
A Trip to the Seaside

Having had an enjoyable time, Milady decided we should make the most of the night and journey to Caledon Cape Wrath by Hansom cab in order to catch a boat back to Winterfell. It is at moments like this that I tend to earn my pay. Having anticipated Milady's request, I had had the Hansom stowed aboard the ship on which we had travelled. I quickly made my way back to the pier, and within minutes the Hansom was unloaded. I made my way back to the shop, and was ready for Milady as she stepped out of the door. Her delight upon seeing the cab, and the look which she bestowed upon me is worth more to me than the pay I receive.

The architects of Caledon must be commended with the establishment of the roadways in the newer regions. It makes travelling by Hansom so much easier than having to straddle the railway track in some of the older ones. We proceeded North from the shop, and made our way into Caledon Downs. Had I studied the map beforehand, I could have taken a more direct route from Southend into the Downs and straight up from there into Tamrannoch. As it was, we took the Western North Road as distinct from the Eastern North Road which would have been the direct route. Milady enjoyed the ride, and was most impressed with the hills in the Downs, and so didn't mind at all that I took a circuitous route via Caledon Glengarry which deposited us back on to the road which we were originally on.

In using the roads, it makes the border crossing a lot less fraught. I never mind being ejected from my airship as the result of a turbulent crossing, but when travelling with Milady, I'd never forgive myself if she suffered any sort of injury.
The Countess was enjoying the journey tremendously, and when we came across a vehicle that had apparantly crashed on the railway line in Tamrannoch she immediately alerted the authorities, happy to do her civic duty. Milady resisted the temptation to visit the site of her old home in the region, for fear that the memory of her life before the Embrace might prove too painful.
From Tamrannoch, we crossed into the Moors, and I could see that her spirits lifted considerably as she appreciated the ambiance of the region. Upon passing the cemetery we noticed a young man, loitering. Having received no instruction from milady to do otherwise, I continued following the track and we made our way into Caledon's capital, Victoria City. I drove us around the centre, and we stopped at the rear of the Co-operative having almost completed the circuit. Milady was wishing to purchase some outside work clothes for me, ideal for tending the gardens in Winterfell. My attention was attracted by the sight of a very nice set of leather chairs. I thought they would make a very nice replacement for some of the seating in the Clan Motherhouse, as well as my private quarters there.
I paid the attendant, and arranged for the chairs to be delivered to the Motherhouse, and then climbed aboard the Hansom again to make our way North. Milady leaned forward as I climbed, her eyes glistening in the light of the street lamps. "Janus, I thirst" she said breathily. My face a fixed mask of neutrality, I took my seat and we made our way back onto the Moors. The young man was still there, not paying much heed to his surroundings. I drew alongside and Milady skipped from the cab. Even from where I was sitting I could smell the alcohol upon his breath, and he swayed slightly where he stood. Milady smiled at him and murmured something to him. I heard her say how dangerous it was for him to be about such a place on his own after dark, especially in the condition he was in. She then guided him to sit upon the grass, and leaning him against the cemetery railings leaned forward and buried her face against his neck. I saw his eyes widen and his body stiffen, and then relax as Milady stroked his face. I could hear the delight in his groans, and I closed my eyes as the inevitable feeling of envy flowed through me.
Feeling the Hansom tip slightly as the Countess climbed aboard, I opened my eyes and saw the young man sleeping with a most wistful look upon his face. He would have no memory of this encounter, and if he did, should thank whatever deity he worships that he had met Milady this night, and not one of another clan, for he would not have seen the morning if he had.
We made our way in silence North out of the city into the countryside of Caledon Carntaigh, narrowly missing an oncoming train as we did so. Milady laughed with delight as I coaxed the horse to abruptly change its course. We then had a nice drive through Mayfair, Penzance, Morgaine and into Brigadoon. We both smiled as we passed the old property as we made our way alongside the track into Cape Wrath. Again Milady found it delightful the way we flew down the steps in Cape Wrath and I then pulled up by the jetty. We jumped off the Hansom and I stretched my legs. A glaze appeared in Milady's eyes and I knew she was communing with her Seneschal. Our quiet cruise to Winterfell would have to be postponed, she had to return to the Motherhouse. She instructed me to arrange for the Hansom to be lodged at a coach house and to follow her when I had completed my task. With a nod of her head, a portal appeared before her. She then looked at me and my heart leaped as a most wonderful smile appeared on her face, and to me, the whole region filled with light brighter than the day from which she hides. She mouthed the words 'Thank you', I nodded in return, unable to hide my delight and she stepped into the portal and disappeared.
Friday, 20 June 2008
Interview with the Vampire

Upon speaking to the journalist, Mr Voom, I couldn't help but notice his good manners, something that would surely help him in his contact with Milady, as they are something that she prizes very highly indeed.
The interview was set and Mr Voom arrived at the Motherhouse a little late due to a crash. I now post the transcript of the meeting with Mr Voom's very kind permission.
Janus Fotherington: Welcome sir
Celeron Voom: ty ^-^
Janus Fotherington: If you'd like to follow me please?
Celeron Voom: sure ^-^
Janus Fotherington: Mr Voom Milady
Rachel Aldrich: thank you Janus
Celeron Voom: * bows head*
Rachel Aldrich: Welcome Mr Voom, enter freely and of your own will
Celeron Voom: good to meet you at last
LauraAnne Sheridan: hello Celeron
Rachel Aldrich smiles
Celeron Voom: hello laura ^-^
Janus Fotherington: If you'd like to sit in the chair to my left sir?
Lone Spitteler: welcome Celeron
Celeron Voom: sure
Rachel Aldrich: Please be seated
Cinder Silverspar: Greetings Cleron
Celeron Voom: hey lone ^-^
Janus Fotherington: Drink sir?
Celeron Voom: no thank you , but thanks
Janus Fotherington bows
Janus Fotherington: Very well sir
Rachel Aldrich: ty Janus
Rachel Aldrich: I was sorry to hear of your accident Mr Voom
Rachel Aldrich: I trust you are well enough?
Celeron Voom: my lady i must apoligize up front , my internet is acting very strange so if i crash is it alright if i give you the other questions in notcard if our times dont meet
Rachel Aldrich: Of course my Dear
Celeron Voom: im fine its just my internet , but thanks , and a very lovly home you have
Rachel Aldrich smiles "Thank you, it suits us very well indeed"
Celeron Voom: I will ask you just a few questions , if you dont mind ^-^
Rachel Aldrich: Certainly
Celeron Voom: first what is your job as the vampire queen
Rachel Aldrich: It's more of a vocation than a job... my prime responsibility is in the well-being and welfare of all my childer within the clan
Celeron Voom: ok so are you more like a mother to your clan
Rachel Aldrich: Yes, that is precisely it, my childer all refer to me as 'Mother'
Celeron Voom: very cool , what is your prime duties as the mother of the clan
Rachel Aldrich: As I've mentioned, looking after my childer, it involves ensuring that they are kept well fed... it is very harmful to them if they don't feed regularly
Rachel Aldrich: I also have some interaction with other clan leaders
Rachel Aldrich: I am the focus of the clan if you will
Celeron Voom: ok i understand
Celeron Voom: tell me a bit about your clan
Rachel Aldrich nods
Rachel Aldrich: The name of our clan is Liberi Atrum, which literally means Children of Darkness....
Rachel Aldrich: We started as a coven within another clan, but felt that we should strike out on our own and declared ourselves a clan
Celeron Voom: very cool
Rachel Aldrich: I have some 60 childer all linked to me via the bloodline
Celeron Voom: wow , so just to ask what makes your clan diffrent from all the others
LauraAnne Sheridan smiles
Rachel Aldrich smiles "A lot of the other clans tend to concentrate on numbers..."
Rachel Aldrich: They are only concerned with being the biggest...
Rachel Aldrich: to them that equates to being the best, but we don't feel that way....
Rachel Aldrich: We are a clan that puts quality over quantity...
Rachel Aldrich: We are an RP clan, first and foremost...
Rachel Aldrich: we are a family...
Celeron Voom: brillantly put
Rachel Aldrich: I look out for my childer, and we all support each other
Lone Spitteler: nods
Celeron Voom: ok the next question i wanted to ask was did you start as a normal vampire and moved as queen or was that your title you were given
Rachel Aldrich: I started as a normal vampire.... though my history before being a vampire was that of an aristocrat....
Rachel Aldrich: but I didn't bring anything with me to this new life other than my own values....
Rachel Aldrich: but the person that Embraced me with the Dark Gift valued me and as the Princess of her clan soon bestowed titles upon me
Celeron Voom: very nice
Rachel Aldrich smiles
Celeron Voom: what is the diffrence from a rp vampire and vampire stories
Celeron Voom: or movies i mean
Rachel Aldrich: Goodness, now there's a question and a half.....
Rachel Aldrich: There are a lot of different versions of vampires within fiction and movies....[Rachel Aldrich: I would say that an RP vampire has to be true to the essence of the established lore, and above all be consistant....
Rachel Aldrich: I myself, as an 'old' vampire, have to watch out for the daylight in this world
Celeron Voom: k
Rachel Aldrich: the younger ones do not... they can walk in the light....
Rachel Aldrich: But I always make sure that I wear a cloak and hood if I venture out during the day....
Celeron Voom: very interesting
Rachel Aldrich: the daily cycles within this world are geared towards more hours of daylight, there are three hours of daylight to one hour of darkness....
Rachel Aldrich: I fortunately have my private residence in a region where it is permanent twilight/night
Celeron Voom: cool
Rachel Aldrich arches eyebrow "Very"
Celeron Voom: ok you answered the first questions brillantly , now its time for personal questions 8 not too personal , just your avi*
Celeron Voom: *
Rachel Aldrich: of course Dear
Celeron Voom: what brought you to bloodlines
Rachel Aldrich: I came across it by chance... I was familiar with 'The Thirst' HUD and when I decided to try that one in preference to one that I'd had previously I was VERY pleasantly surprised to find that the Bloodlines had been added to it
LauraAnne Sheridan: Mother was a vampire quite sometime before this system as well
Celeron Voom: what was the best day for you as a queen
LauraAnne Sheridan: as were many of us
Rachel Aldrich: Best day had to be when we declared Liberi Atrum as Clan
LauraAnne Sheridan smiles
Celeron Voom: ^-^
Celeron Voom: have you ever had any bad days as a queen
LauraAnne Sheridan shifts uncomfortably
Celeron Voom: im sorry , if you dont want to you dont have to answer that
Rachel Aldrich ponders "I think I have had some disappointing moments... but it has never been a 'bad day' as such"
Celeron Voom: k
Celeron Voom: when you rp is there a famous vampire or vampire you like to use as a infulnce
Rachel Aldrich: No, I can't say there is one that I could instantly say "Yes, I want to be like them"....
Rachel Aldrich: I'm very familiar with some of the famous creations, but I see this aspect as another side of me.....
Rachel Aldrich: As has been said in one popular vampire fiction... Vampires are like the person they were, only more so
Celeron Voom: very well put
Rachel Aldrich smiles
Celeron Voom: now you finished the hard part and time for my fun and last questions
Rachel Aldrich smiles
Celeron Voom: cat or dogs
Rachel Aldrich: cats
Celeron Voom: k me too lol
Celeron Voom: fav music
Rachel Aldrich: All types.... Evanescence , Enigma, Beatles, classical... could go on for ages
Celeron Voom smiles " ok do you perfer art or fashion "
Rachel Aldrich: Art
Celeron Voom: last one do you have any tips for any vampires starting out
Rachel Aldrich: Yes, find yourself a very good mentor, someone that is prepared to show you what it means to be vampire, and help you grow... too many are just bitten, drained and left discarded by the wayside to fend for themselves.....
Rachel Aldrich: In Bloodlines your soul can only be given once, give it to someone deserving
Celeron Voom: once again brillantly put , and the interview is finished
Rachel Aldrich: My thanks Mr Voom
Celeron Voom: more my thanks is on my side , thank you for letting me do this interview
LauraAnne Sheridan: where will the appear Celeron?
LauraAnne Sheridan: this*
Rachel Aldrich: You're most welcome....
Celeron Voom: on black perals magizine
Celeron Voom: pearls*
Celeron Voom: i will pass you a copy when it is finished
LauraAnne Sheridan: that is a RL publication?
Rachel Aldrich: Janus said you wanted some pictures... I have a folder for you with a selection
Celeron Voom: ty ^-^
Celeron Voom: it is a sl magizine
LauraAnne Sheridan: ah
Celeron Voom: very well made also
LauraAnne Sheridan smiles
Celeron Voom: ty my lady
Rachel Aldrich: I look forward to seeing it
Rachel Aldrich: you're most welcome Dear
Celeron Voom: ty ^-^
Celeron Voom: well i better be off to edit to magizine for publishing , but ty for your time
Celeron Voom: oh is it ok if i add you to my list my lady
LauraAnne Sheridan: good to see you again Celeron
Rachel Aldrich: It has been a pleasure meeting you
Celeron Voom: always good to meet you ^-^
Cinder Silverspar bows
Lone Spitteler: good bye Mr woom
Rachel Aldrich inclines her head in gratitude
Celeron Voom: all of you have a good night * bows head to Rachel*
LauraAnne Sheridan: good night Celeron
Cinder Silverspar: Goodnight Mr. Voom
Rachel Aldrich: You too Mr Voom, and beware the night ;)
Wednesday, 18 June 2008
New Home

Good staff are hard to find

In case you're unfamiliar with the ways of the Vampire, let me elucidate. Vampires need blood to live. They bite a person, puncturing an artery in the process, and drink... and drink...... and drink. Sometimes, they just have a 'nip' (Vampire humour), and only take about a quarter of a litre, but other times, they'll go the whole hog and drain them dry. Rather than a dry husk being left on the floor, the drained person actually experiences a white flash and sense of euphoria, and is then a revenant. This is what Milady has in mind for me.... long lasting servant, all undead, but no craving for blood, hence: no competition.

As you can see by the marks on my neck, she's sampled the stock before. But this time, it all goes. Now, just to give you some more information that might come in useful later, if Milady were to feed me some transformed blood (blood taken from a human, and then changed in the vampire's system) known as vital blood, I could then go on to become a vampire myself. But I'd need a lot of this. In fact I'd need all that was taken, put back. A whole 5 litres. There would then be lots of black and red clouds floating about me, and poof! A vampire!
BUT... if I had a little vital blood from her, and then she took all of it back.... that's when you end up with the drained husk on the floor.
Look at her, she is beautiful. There has got to be worse things in this world than having a really beautiful aristocratic vampire biting your neck and sucking at your blood. I had adored her for years at this point, I'd started in her service as a young man and devotedly gone about my duties... and now she was going to hold me, very, very close indeed. Those lovely lips were going to brush against my ear, her breath would tease the goosebumps up on my neck. I'd smell her perfume, look into the beautiful big blue eyes and feel the ultimate high when she bit on my neck. Of course, it would have been nice had she done this years ago, and then I would have remained a young man... but, better late than never. Bite me you wonderful creature, bite me!
A pain then pierces my chest, and having witnessed this so many times before, I knew what was happening. She was using her spike, and would drain the blood from me more quickly, and a LOT less intimately. Blast.
Her nose pressed against my head, my blood pumped through the spike and into a tube which fed straight into her arm, and the process was well under way. I started to feel light-headed, and although I was starting to faint, I felt sure I heard her say "Dear, sweet Janus... " but then, I fainted and knew no more, until I reawoke, a revenant.